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Messages - paul

As the Alarm Comment window is a window to the right of the main tabs in the left view, it would make sense for the Alarm Comments window to align with the alarm being viewed.

I have three comment windows that do not align with my alarm tabs, and when I scroll to a different alarm, the comment effectively is orphaned.

Would be simpler just to use Alarm Detail for detailed comments view / update and hover over the comment in Alarm tab to show current comments.

As it currently stands, you
find the mib from somewhere
put it in the mib folder
compile the mib
go into snmp trap configuration
find the trap based on the OID or trawl through the list, going own the tree which starts at the top
configure the trap
configure the paramters
configure event configuration
configure event processing policy
configure alarm.

What about:
Select MIB to load - selects from one of the 8600 publicly available that could be included in a mib library
It copies the mib to the mibs folder (this being the active mibs) and compiles it.
After ticking box for Open SNMP Trap Processor after loading" - opens trap processor.
List of traps from the MIB are in list view - multiple traps can be selected.
Tick box at top - create alarm from trap based on mib details - including severity.
Automatically loads the trap, its parameters, and severity, all the way through - for each of the multiple traps selected.

Drops the 20 minute process down to 20 seconds.
When we define a snmp trap for processing, we import the definition from the mib and make it look nice.

when I then look in the SNMP trap log - all I can see is the raw data. I don't know about anyone else, but I can only remember so many OID's - and that is already too many!!

Can we please include an extra column after the trap processor has parsed the trap with the view based on what the trap processor has formatted it as.

Or, for every trap where a mib is loaded, simple present the trap as per the format that the MIB has it - as per the Vendors intended view.

Either way, we get a more useful view within the trap log window.

Having added a few traps now, these things slow me down the most.

1. In the tree can we simply start at enterprises when selecting load. I am sick of typing . and 99.99% of traps we load will be from an enterprise mib.
Next - this one is very painful.
1. When we select a trap from the mib, can we have it auto populate the description from the MIB into the description for the trap.
2. Once we have selected that trap OID, can it automatically populate the Parameters from the MIB definition. Each Mib defines which parameters are included - so can we automate this?
3. Same for Parameter Mapping - auto load that from the Mib - the description and the parameter.

These seem to be  obvious omissions given the laborious nature of doing thes - especially since each mib defines, for the traps, what the parameters are that are passed.
Feature Requests / Re: Alarm Resolution View
May 26, 2019, 06:37:27 AM
As this has yet to be implemented as a filter option, when it does, it would be beneficial to be able to select state as well as severity - and save it as a filter.

I already have filtered containers so I can limit the Alarms to Prod and Test - and by Geo location, and by Type - so being able to quickly select filters is handy.

The current view, without filtering, is restricted to only outstanding - preventing the easily finding of terminated alarms if we need to go back and look. filtering would allow this.

And, if I was really luck, I could also do some conditional filtering based on the message contents. That way I could filter out selective messages for some, but no others.

Funny thing though - this is all available in Alarms Log - but not Alarm Tab.

If I could do the actions from the Alarm tab in the Alarms Log view - it would be fantastic!!.

NX-1493 should be expanded to allow this level of filtering.
This should be moved to Feature Request - this cannot currently be done.

This would / could / should? be implemented as follows:

Add extra option in , for SNMP trap mapping, to pass each of the varbinds pass through as both the name, and the value, to Event Configuration.  This information is already available and known via the parameters in the SNMP trap definition.

In the Event Configuration - a tick box option for the parameters from the trap to be passed through to Event Processing. Alternatively, a box which can be selected, that loads up the varbind descriptions and their position i.e. %name %1.

In Event processing, an additional option for displaying the trap details in the Detailed Alarm view in a separate field called Alarm Details.

This would also allow the Alarm Description to be reduced in size from %m which is the whole message down to one or two varbinds - making the alarm display much more readable.
I am sure this has been done 500 times already - and done by people much more knowledgeable with netxms.

Just about any / every CPU / Disk / Memory monitor that is SNMP based is using the HOST-RESOURCE mib or its predecessor, the UCD-SNMP mib; both of which are defined from RFC 2790 - standard as part of net-snmp. Windows have this implemented as part of the HOST mib and the MIB_II mib that are standard with every windows install.

So, to ask another way, has anybody created any templates, based on SNMP, that collect CPU utilization, where there are multiple cores / processors; collect disk storage information %utilization and %free and Total - where there are multiple drives / mount points' and the same for memory - % used and % free and Total - Physical, Virtual and Swap?

My contribution is to spend time mapping traps to events and alarms. I have 2600 active mibs, about 100 critical, which could benefit from being templated. I can get up to 100,000 traps a week so not having to try and reinvent a wheel many others have already invented, would be great. I believe that is where my time can be better spent.

Did I at least try? - Yes. As per below, the documentation is conflicting - so the smart option is to simply ask those who have already done it  :)

The documentation under lists says not supported

The documentation under instance appears to give an example of how to get a list of mount points. Missing is how to set thresholds for each mount point etc. - but it shows this has been done.
In every display option whether it is Alarm Browser, Event Log, Event Details, the Message field is only one line. This is fine for exception alarms - but not for traps.

We have traps, for example, from CISCO UCS as well as APC powernet traps that are up to 20 lines long - one varbind per line.

Is there any way that we are able to display these events and alarms with each oid on a separate line?

It seemed like a simple idea. Replace existing clunky snmp based monitoring product with netxms. With all devices already setup for SNMP - no need for agent installs - just use templates.

Although the netxms preference clearly is for using local agent, has anybody gone down the path of using SNMP only for Linux and Windows devices for CPU / Disk / Memory monitoring - or is everybody using agents?

The reason for asking is that installing agents locally is not an option, so wanting to know now whether to progress with using netxms with SNMP or stop now.
General Support / Re: Template DCI disappearance?
May 23, 2019, 06:36:51 PM
I am having similar problem in 2.2.14. As soon as I add a template based on DCI, it looks OK - until I exit the console and start it again - template missing but still being applied to devices.

With all templates disappearing when this happens, can't do anything.

Strange part is cannot find my new templates either. I can find the default ones (that also disappear from the console) in \share\templates - but not the new ones.

I even tried importing the default templates that have disappeared - it says successful but still not visible.

*** 27th May - updated to db check found templates with missing nodes but no nodes with unknown templates. Deleted complete installation and started again from scratch :( ***