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Messages - Filipp Sudanov

General Support / Re: how to enable capabilities
December 22, 2019, 12:21:32 PM
isSNMP will get enabled on full configuration poll, it your node supports SNMP. All the rest flags are similar and auto-detected, e.g. isPrinter gets enabled, if NetXMS detects, that the node is a printer and so on. It's not possible to change these flags manually.
Current approach to templates in NetXMS has the idea, that all nodes, belonging to one template are absolutely the same.

You could create a separate template for your exclusion cases and set up template autoapply scripts that would set correct template for a particular node.

The other way could be to use the following syntax in threshold field %{custom_attribute_name:100} in template. In this case threshold value will be taken from a custom attribute, specified on a node and if such attribute is not present on a node, a default value of 100 will be used.
General Support / Re: how to enable capabilities
December 22, 2019, 02:20:30 AM
Capabilities get updated when Full Configuration Poll is performed. If node responds to attempt to connect to netxms agent, isAgent capability will be set to Yes and so on.
Try to undeploy and deploy the war. Also try to clean /var/cache/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost folder.

The most recent mac console will be released in the next few days, currently you can use previous one, the differences are minor:
Имеется в виду SNMP community string? В каком имено месте - в свойствах ноды или в Configuration -> SNMP credentials?

Какая точно версия сервера? Какая база данных, ее версия? Какая консоль, под какой ОС?
I've tried on my system with Postgres 10 and NetXMS 3.1.261 on Ubuntu 18.04 - the reconnect actually occurs. Can you increase debugging for DB operations, e.g. by running this from command line:
nxadm -c "debug db.* 8"
and show the log during the moment when database stops/restarts.
General Support / Re: Netxms 3.1.261 and device discovery
December 17, 2019, 06:35:39 PM
Currently community strings are not sorted / prioritized. The value specified in node properties ('public' by default) is tried first, then server tries community strings from settings (in order in which the database returned the list).

There is no way to change community string from NXSL.
The only possible way for now is to use a Jython script launched by nxshell.
Дело тут вот в этой строчке:
[26.11.2019 11:21:04]    Upstream interface GigabitEthernet1/0/32 on node SW29xx-9-2 (servernaya, stoyka 3) is down

В netxms есть механизм корелляции, который при потере связи с нодой проверяет, не потеряна ли связь также со свичами/рутерами, через которые подключена нода. Сейчас этот механизм работает так, что переход порта на свиче в DOWN тоже тоже кореллируется и мы бы говорим, что нода недоступна (unreachable) потому что вот этот порт на свиче в дауне (эту логику планируется поменять).
Однако помимо unreachable нода должна была стать и critical, то что это не произошло, это не правильно.
Я так понимаю, что это происходило на 3.0. Планируете апгрейдиться на 3.1?
As for the first problem with executing an agent´s action via EPP, it was fixed and should work in version 3.1.261 that was released yesterday. Could you please confirm that it works for you?

There is currently no way to pass script arguments that have spaces from GUI's Server Console (and also from nxadm -c). Possible workarounds:
- use some special character, e.g. _ and replace it in the script
- you can use nxscript command line utility, but it can not run scripts from server script library, the script should be in a file.
nxscript 1.nxs "1" "2 3"
You can use the following macro in threshold value field: %{custom_attribute_name:default_value}. With that you can specify actual threshold value on the node itself in a custom attribute. Nodes, that do not have such attribute will use the default_value.

If you want more customization you can use %[script_name] macro that will be calling a script to calculate the threshold value.

As for disabling thresholds for particular DCIs - you can use the same macro as above and put some huge value to the custom attribute, that will never get reached. Or you can put node into maintenance - then DCIs are collected, but no events are generated.

Общие вопросы / Re: Карта сети
December 09, 2019, 04:14:24 PM
Баг удается повторить, сделали тикет:
General Support / Re: v3 templates alerts
December 04, 2019, 10:45:03 PM
Templates are matched on guid.
General Support / Re: netxmsd 3.1 crashing on startup
December 04, 2019, 06:11:03 PM
What version are you using? Is it from packages, downloaded from netxms web site or you compiled it yourself? What Linux version are you using?

Does it segfaults all the time, or it happened only once?

If segfaults repeat, can you set DebugLevel=9 in server config, launch the server and attach the resulting log file?


Do I understand correctly, that you are running NetXMS server on raspberry Pi? A few questions on that matter, would be good if you can provide some info.
How reliable that works? Do you monitor many devices? What database are you using? Is the database working in raspbery Pi? Is raspberry running from SD card or it has SSD connected?

Currently the only way to get netxms on raspberry is to compile yourself. Below is instruction I used to compile netxms agent, to compile the server you need to modify ./configure command.

apt update
apt install automake libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssh-dev libmosquitto-dev libpcre3-dev postgresql-client libpq-dev unixodbc-dev

tar zxvf pcre-8.43.tar.gz pcre-8.43/
cd pcre-8.43/
./configure --prefix=/opt/pcre --enable-pcre32 --disable-cpp --enable-utf --disable-stack-for-recursion --enable-unicode-properties --disable-dependency-tracking
make install

tar zxvf openssl-1.1.1d.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.1d
./config --prefix=/opt/openssl no-comp threads
make install

bcm2835 which is needed for --with-rpi-agent
apt-get install html-xml-utils
mkdir -p bcm2835 && (wget -qO - `curl -sL | hxnormalize -x -e | hxselect -s '\n' -c "div.textblock>p:nth-child(4)>a:nth-child(1)"` | tar xz --strip-components=1 -C bcm2835 )
cd bcm2835
make install

NetXMS Agent:
./configure --prefix=/opt/netxms --with-agent --with-internal-libexpat --with-internal-sqlite --with-internal-zlib --with-internal-libjansson --with-mariadb --with-odbc --with-pgsql --with-sqlite --with-openssl=/opt/openssl --with-pcre=/opt/pcre --with-rpi-agent
make install
General Support / Re: netxmsd not working after Update
December 03, 2019, 05:18:11 PM

Can you share the output of dpkg -l | grep netxms and the contents of /etc/netxmsd.conf