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Messages - Filipp Sudanov

Какая именно версия NetXMS? Возможно в каком-то из последних релизов была проблема с тем, что радиус построения карты по умолчанию был неправильный, можно поставить его вручуную в значение 5.

Еще проверить закладку Interfaces на двух девайсах, соединенных вместе - видна ли связь с обоих сторон в колонке Peer node.
The are not instantly deleted and can be still viewed in Alarm Log. Deletion will happen by housekeeper after 180 days (can be configured in Configuration -> Server Configuration, parameter name "Alarm.HistoryRetentionTime")
The password should normally work unencrypted. The only exception is when the password itself is base-64 encoded and has specific length (44 or 88 characters) - in this case NetXMS will think that it's something encripted by nxencpasswd - in this case the workaround is to actually encrypt it with nxencpasswd.
Also, double-check the "Login" field.
You can select many alarms at once and select "Terminate" from right-click menu. And disabling event processing policy rules that you don't need would prevent these alarms from happening in the future.
Try issuing
debug nc 8
debug ncd.* 8

in Tools->Server Debug Console. Then try to send another email and show what you have in your server log (/var/log/netxmsd on Linux)
Check configuration -> Event processing policy. 

The way NetXMS is built is that when something happenins (interface went down, threshold reached, etc...) it creates events (log of these can be seen in Event Log). Reaction to events is defined in Event processing policy (make sure you click "save" button when working with it).
This page: says that "OSPF SNMP monitoring" is N/A, so looks that this is not yet implemented in Mikrotik.
I've seen mentions that OSPF can be monitored using Miktorik API - I've never tried that, but it should be possible to take some client for that and use it via NetXMS agent external metrics.
Or, if this information can be collected via ssh - collecting metrics via ssh is out-of-the-box in NetXMS
Maps were reworked in 5.0, but there are still some things to finalize before it's released. Release should happen within coming month.

Out of curiosity, what are the reasons to build from source, as there are packages for Debian. But, chances are that it will also crash if installed from packages.

Can you please run it under gdb:
gdb --args netxmsd -D 6

then enter run
when it crashes, enter bt and show us the output
General Support / Re: Error exporting report to PDF
March 26, 2024, 04:39:12 PM

This should be fixed in the next patch release when it will be released

Can you clarify a bit what you are trying to achieve. 
If it's IP address of Postgres database, which NetXMS server process is using, it's in c:\netxms\etc\netxmsd.conf, parameter named DBServer.
If there's NetXMS or SNMP agent on the end node, MAC address will be read from it. Otherwise we take it from FDB of the switch to which this node is connected.
А можете поставить в конфиге агента

перезапустить его и прислать лог за первую минуту его работы.
Это именно на Windows системах? Какой версии Windows? Сколько ядер/процессоров?
General Support / Re: PDU SNMP Parsing
March 19, 2024, 10:06:19 AM
Well, my bad, seems that I did not fully test the script that I've posted initially. It should be like this:

function main(oid, name) {
  transport = $node->createSNMPTransport();
  if (transport == null) return null;
  v = transport->getValue(oid);
  h = %{};
  for (a : v->split(",")) {
    b = a->split("=");
    if (b->size == 2) h[b[0]] = b[1];
  return h[name];

The way it works - v->split(",") produces array where elements are "voltage=121.0" and so on. We loop through that array, so variable "a" has the value of each element of that array.
Now we need to split by "=" character and variable "b" becomes an array with two elements: [voltage, 121.0]. To access these elements we use index, so b[0] is "voltage" and b[1] is "121.0".
Now, h is a hashmap - sort of an array, but instead of numeric index elements are identified by string. We initialize it empty with h = %{}; And then we fill h with values with this code: h[b[0]] = b[1]; (and I now see the reason of the wrong code - forum editor is garbling the h[b[0]] part when pasting)