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General Support / Re: Sharing Standard Templates...
Last post by lukexjin - April 12, 2024, 12:48:08 PM
anyone have huawei switch template
General Support / where is the menu?import/expor...
Last post by lukexjin - April 12, 2024, 12:45:16 PM
where is the menu of importing/exporting template ?
I can not find it
my env is NetXMS Management Client Version 4.5.3
Feature Requests / Connect to device Via agent Pr...
Last post by richard21 - April 12, 2024, 11:32:52 AM
it would be good if you could connect to a device e.g. HTTPS or SSH through the agent proxy this would be really useful for remote networks where you have an agent polling devices and in the  client when you right click the device and click connect it would connect through the proxy of the agent
General Support / Re: A switch network equipment...
Last post by Alex Kirhenshtein - April 11, 2024, 10:58:19 AM
Driver is unrelated to templates, it's a loadable server extension which provide vendor (or device) specific information which is either not available via common SNMP OIDs, or not available via SNMP at all (like physical ports layout on the switch).
GENERIC is a default driver for all devices which works in standard way. In ideal world it would be the only driver in the system.

You can check sources here:
General Support / A switch network equipment man...
Last post by lukexjin - April 11, 2024, 10:01:12 AM
I want to know which template stands for GENERIC
this switch is auto discovered,netxms how to check which snmp driver should be used?
In other words, how can I add more manufacturer features to this
General Support / Re: I want to use netxms for i...
Last post by Filipp Sudanov - April 10, 2024, 09:21:42 AM
For servers - you'd need to install netxms agent and set
MasterServers = IP-address-of-your-netxms-server

in nxagentd.conf

After adding a node in netxms, it should detect that agent is present on that system, then you can add DCIs (data collection items) for the metrics that you need.

Also, check the docs, there's some info there:
а есть в планах ? очень бы хотелось видеть, изменения в драйвере небольшие требуются.
Пока никак, это требует небольшого изменения в коде драйвера.
Можно ли как то настроить отправку оповещения в конкретный топик группы, а не просто группу как сейчас по умолчанию ? параметр "Recipients address" у канала или что то подобное.
Чтобы было так - есть группа "Оповещения", а в ней топики #площадка1 #площадка2 #площадкаХ, где в каждый топик пишет свой бот своего сервера NetXMS на своей площадке. В текущей конфигурации все боты всех площадок пишут в простую общую группу, как добавить параметр #топик

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General Support / I want to use netxms for infor...
Last post by lukexjin - April 07, 2024, 10:02:45 AM
For servers: collect sequence numbers, types, etc. Collect the number, frequency and type of CPU; The number and model of GPU cards Hard disk, memory, network card is similar; OS version, etc.
For network devices: snmp management, collect device version, model, sn, etc