About the nxcp_reference.PDF

Started by 165432896, October 14, 2011, 12:08:28 PM

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   I have success developed a small client to control(access) the Server with C/C++ in Linux. It bases on the document nxcp_reference.PDF Version 0.2.22.  But I only implement the base functions.  Because The document only cover some base message command(such as:CMD_LOGIN、CMD_GET_LAST_VALUES). But most of the  message command (such as:CMD_GET_MIB_TIMESTAMP、CMD_MODIFY_NODE_DCI、CMD_GET_NODE_DCI_LIST),it is not introduce. so I don't know which "Variable" I should deliver to those message command. I want to develop more senior functions.
   Dose it have some detailed document about the  NetXMS Communication Protocol? or I have to find the rule about the coding regulation by the source code?

Best wish!

Victor Kirhenshtein


Currently it's the only piece of information about NXCP protocol. All other information can be found only by examining source code. Feel free to ask me about specific commands you need - I'll either answer you in forum or update documentation for them. Btw, why you not using client library (libnxcl) but work directly with NXCP protocol?

Best regards,

P.S. And please ask development related questions in "Development" section of the forum


OK, I will try to use libnxcl to development.And put the questions in right section of the forum.
