NetXMS Support Forum

English Support => General Support => Topic started by: paul on June 03, 2019, 05:49:46 PM

Title: After two weeks with NetXMS - my thoughts
Post by: paul on June 03, 2019, 05:49:46 PM
Well, between the excitement of success and the agony of defeat or which there has been plenty of both - I am still here - just!

NetXMS is a fantastic product with some fantastic capabilities - but - the initial learning curve is hard - for most, probably too hard.

I persisted due to a particular annoyance with traps but even then, without the invaluable assistance from Tursiops, absolutely invaluable, I would have also given up.

All I needed was two generic templates - Windows and Linux - both based on HOST-RESOURCE-MIB - tailored for the nuances of Linux and Windows. Although templates exist for agents, the fact none exist for SNMP suggest potential SNMP based users never got over that initial hump and simply went elsewhere and found something else. A shame really as NetXMS can do so much!.

I am at the point where my Linux generic SNMP template is about 98% there (just needs some tidy up) and my Windows generic SNMP template is about 80% there - some cleanup plus getting customized threshold per drive using first three letters of drive working - and that is it. Elapsed time for this part is just 8 days from when I first got my hands on the old Linux SNMP template. With the assistance of both Tursiops and Victor as I bumbled my way forward with questions that to others would seem very simple, but to me - stumped - these templates will now become a reality. An immense thank you to both of you.

Had these templates been available on day one - I would never have considered leaving. It is not that they do everything I would like - but they do provide me with the minimum that I need and that is the point - unless I can see a clear path from the problem I am trying to solve and the minimum that I need - I move on to any one of the many alternatives.

I was lucky - very lucky. I hope to return the favor once the templates are complete and post them where others can use them. As Tursiops has pointed out - these templates do not claim to be the best / fastest / neatest / cleanest ways of doing this - they are simply a start that can be built on and evolve over time so that better ones can be created.

So, two weeks on - I am still here. There is still plenty for me to do, but at least I know now that those who follow, who use SNMP for monitoring, will find a much easier experience getting up and going.