NetXMS Built-In Syslog Server Fails To Get All Received Syslog Messages

Started by abkulakli, December 11, 2019, 04:03:51 PM

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I am using NetXMS Server Version 3.1 on a Windows Server 2016.

I have been trying to forward event logs on another server to NetXMS syslog server (port 514) and using nxlog-ce to forward. I've manage to get messages but there are many logs missing. I have also installed Kiwi Syslog server for test purposes on the same Windows Server with NetXMS installed. I see that all messages are correctly captured by Kiwi.

nxlog-ce is configured to forward same messages to port 514 (To NetXMS) and 1514 (Kiwi for Test)

In short, Kiwi syslog server gets all messages but NetXMS fails to get many messages. How can I fix this? Do you have any idea about what might be the reason?



Just saw this after I posted. I think its related to this

I have noticed NetXMS does not store logs for syslog messages that it does not have the correct source address mapped to a node
i.e. any nodes not actually added to NetXMS
I don't know if it needs to be a primary IP address, or it can be any IP address listed on a node


Thanks for the information,

In my case, the server in "Source" column in Syslog Monitor exists as a node in NetXMS. However, most of the computers in "Host Name" column do not exist as a node in NetXMS.