No alert on periodic downtime

Started by 2b2bff, May 10, 2022, 04:40:02 PM

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we have a couple of access points where wifi is disabled in the night and over the weekend. This leads to errors in NetXMS. What is the usual way to tell NetXMS, that it is perfectly normal for these nodes to error outside of business hours?


Victor Kirhenshtein


one option is to schedule recurring maintenance - node will enter maintenance mode at non-business hours and all events will be suppressed until end of maintenance period. If node will still be down at end of maintenance appropriate events will be generated again so you will get notifications, etc.

Another option is to define rule in event processing policy that will drop all events from those nodes during non-business hours.

Best regards,


Somehow, I fail to find how to configure that recurring maintenance. That is the solution that I'm looking for...

Victor Kirhenshtein

Go to Configuration -> Scheduled Tasks. Create new task, select Maintenance.Enter for type, and object you want to put into maintenance as "execution object". In schedule, enter desired schedule in crontab format. Create another task with type Maintenance.Leace and set schedule for exiting from maintenance.

Best regards,


Thanks a lot. I tried to set this via the context menu of the node. Maybe it's worth integrating there as well, or an "advanced" button that takes you to the Scheduled Tasks view?


Victor Kirhenshtein

Yes, that makes sense. I've added it as feature request:

Best regards,