Problems with very basic Network Service for http

Started by hooners, May 24, 2012, 11:22:39 PM

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I just installed the latest version on a newly built server along with mysql, got it up and running and so far so good.  I'm currently correctly monitoring and alerting for drive space, cpu, memory and a bunch of windows services.  Everything looks great...but.  For some dumb reason I cannot for the life of me get a very basic web http service monitor setup?!  Losing my mind.  been all over the forums, read through setting it up under the actual node of the server (which i am monitoring successfully) or adding it under the monitoring server itself as a separate data collection, but nothing works?  Current setup I have in the system is:
1. added network service under my web server
2. type http, port 80, request is <domain>:/index.html and response is ^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*
3. poller is setup as default and i've tried manually selecting my monitoring server as well

What i'm seeing for the status of the actual network service is a 5??  which i hadn't even seen on the list before and the corresponding collection item that points at that is showing a "2" which i thought was 'cannot connect to server'

Not sure if there is something basic i'm missing, but something seems screwed up somewhere.  it's so relatively basic though i'm stumped what is missing at this point.

ITEM 2 - when putting this under the monitoring server, strange thing i'm seeing is when i add the collection parameter, select origin "netxms agent" with the hopes of then selecting the http service monitor, when i select "Select" where i get the nice long list to choose from like in my other servers, i get a blank parameter window with nothing on the list?  This only happens when i add a collection 'under' my main host monitor.

thoughts?  THANK YOU!!

Victor Kirhenshtein


Check that:

1. NetXMS agent is running on your monitoring server
2. It has both and monitoring server's IP address listed in MasterServers parameter
3. Port check subagent is loaded (there should be line SubAgent=portcheck.nsm in nxagentd.conf)

Best regards,


Thanks!  with that switch the good news is now I'm seeing all the parameters as expected, and was able to apply my server template to my monitoring server (which was not working before).  So that is good.

I could not get anything other than a "2" with my http response - but just to test it, I changed it to and was able to get it working, so it's an issue with my setup of that data collection.  Question is the site I was trying to monitor is https - so I had setup the same but simply sub'd in 443 - but that doesn't appear to work.  Is there a trick to monitoring for https/443?  Getting close now, just that simple config change on the monitor.  Thanks.

Alex Kirhenshtein

I'll try to include https support into upcoming 1.2.1 release, but in a meantime you can use to make it work.

Sample command line for stunnel3 (will listen on port 8888 for plain HTTP and connect to over HTTPS):stunnel -c -d 8888 -r

Sample config for stunnel4:client = yes

accept = 8888
connect =