Performances graphing & time scale

Started by sss, June 22, 2007, 05:42:11 PM

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When your server is running in GMT for example and your are running remotely your console, it looks like the time the console is reconsidering is its local time. Hence, if local time is not GMT, you don't see the graphs in "Performances" panel unless you set local time to the server time. Is this the expected behaviour? I would have expected the console to consider the server as the time reference for the graphing as the server is the collection point.

What if time on server and agent have a different reference? Or better say, an offset?

Similar for the "graph" option in the drop down menu for each node.


Victor Kirhenshtein


All timestamps used in NetXMS internally stored in UTC and converted to local clock when shown. As far as UTC times on client machine and server are identical everything should be ok. If you don't see graphs correctly, possibly UTC time on your server or client is incorrect. One example of possible incorrect time settings:

1. My timezone is EET, which is GMT + 2 hours.
2. On my workstation, I set timezone to EET, but on server in the same location - GMT.
3. On both workstation and server I set time 14:00. Looks like both shows time correctly, but internally workstation has UTC time 12:00 (because of timezone settings), but server has UTC time 14:00. If I will connect with NetXMS console to server I'll see unexpected timestamps.

Best solution is to use NTP for time synchronization (it will always set your machine clock to correct UTC time) on both server and client.

Best regards,