Configuration of default SNMP SET Community name

Started by cserzs, November 05, 2014, 05:17:45 PM

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How is possible to configure the default SNMP SET Community name?

Thank you in advance,


Yes its Possible , u can change it in the Properties of the "Node" , but be aware that u have to change it like u having it on the monitored Device ... The Standards Are Public = Read    Private = Read & Write .....

Hope this could solve ur porb



Thank you for your answer but in the node properties I do not found any possibility to set the SNMP read/ write (SET) community name. In the node properties window is possible to set only the SNMP read (GET) community name. I would like to use the "SNMPSet(transport,oid,value,[data type])" function in a DCI data transformation script and I do not know how is possible to configure my required SNMP SET community name. Do you have any idea about it?

kind regards,


Hey No Problem,

i Attached a Snapshot where u can Find the Settings , they should be  there in ur NetXMS ?   The Point is u need to Change this Value in  the " Main Tree " where ur Node is there Right Click on it and u can change the Settings ,  as far as i know  is , u cant change it in the DCI.

But Still u should check ur Device first , what kind of SNMP is it using ? v1 , v2 , v3  ?  The Standards are    " Public  = Read " ---  "Private  = Read / Write "

For ur own Security i suggest u Change that Values   for ur own security ^^ 




Thank you for your detailed reply. Please find in the attachment my NetXMS arrangement. On this screenshot can you see the Web interface one of my integrated SNMP device with SNMP GET and SNMP SET community names ("My_GETname" & "My_SETname"). Also can you see the node configuration window with SNMP GET name. I have mentioned that with SNMP GET I do not have any problem. The DCI SNMP queries are working fine. My problem is, that I can not configure anywhere the SNMP SET community name of my SNMP device. On the properties window of node is placed only one text box for SNMP community name and this is used for SNMP GET purpose :(

Thank you in advance regards,


Ah now i see  :-) Just  change the GET Value to SET  because SET = GET & SET u know what i mean ? U dont have to set bothe values , the set value includes the GET ... or do u mean if u change it to SET u wont get any Values at all ?



The SNMP SET command works properly only with the correct SNMP SET community name. In case if I change the community name from properties window of node item the SNMP GET queries from DCI will no longer works at all. I have tried to use the SNMPSet function with standard community name (in DUT I set temporarily the "private" SNMP SET community name) but did not work at all. Do you (or anyone else) have any experience with SNMPSet function?

Thank you in advance,


Iam not really shure  why its not working correctly and only with the standards ... did u try it on a other device ? or maybe just do a  new poll after setting it up so the node is refreshed ?....

From now i cant help anymore sorry mate