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How to create a Event

Started by subba, February 16, 2010, 04:15:39 PM

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      I want to create an event for the service Eg: Disk Space for the severity like Warning , Critical , Unknown ,  if the  disk space is used to  50% the email alert suhould be warning , if the disk space is used to  75%  the email alert should be warning , if the disk space is used to 90% the email alert should be critical ,like this i want to be monitor , Can u please help me how to do this It is very useful and helpful to my architechture..


Victor Kirhenshtein


You should create separate events (for example, DISK_SPACE_WARNING, DISK_SPACE_CRITICAL) for each level you wish to have. Then add appropriate thresholds and set your custom events as activation events. For example, for threshold "> 50" set  DISK_SPACE_WARNING as event, and for threshold "> 90" set DISK_SPACE_CRITICAL as event. Don't forget to order thresholds properly - in case with disk space, you should start with "> 90", then "> 75", then "> 50". See data collection section in manual for explanation. Add appropriate processing to event processing policy.

Best regards,