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Messages - tivanni


I'm using ServiceCheck.SMTP to monitor an SMTP! I add the following line at the end of my nxagentd.conf file:

SubAgent = portcheck.nsm
DomainName =

Even if the DomainName is set, Netxms ignore it and set the from address as "", that is the hostname of the server.

I do some mistake on the configuration?


Ok thanks, it's clear!

I have only one doubt: which are the event not generated by thresholds?
With the exception of SYS_NODE_DOWN/UP, i always use the thresholds for generate event...
Maybe for the event generated by snmp-trap or similar?


General Support / Network Service vs ServiceCheck.SMTP
August 26, 2015, 03:46:17 PM
Hi all!

I have to monitor an SMTP server and i'd like to have some information about Network Service and ServiceCheck.SMTP.

I'm able to monitor the SMTP using the ServiceCheck.SMTP, but i'd like to know how use the Network Service for monitoring an SMTP. What I have to use as field "Request" and "Response"?

I have read this and i have understand that ServiceCheck is used when the node monitored is not present as Node on Netxms and Network Service is used otherwise, but I like to know another thing:
another difference beetwen ServiceCheck.SMTP and Network Service is that the first is managed by netxms agent and the second in handled by Netxms server?

Thank you for the help, this community and this product are great!

General Support / Re: Nxevent not working
August 25, 2015, 12:34:40 PM
Hi Victor,

Thanks, I try it at the next production stop.

General Support / Nxevent not working
July 31, 2015, 04:20:41 PM

i have two Netxms 1.2.13. . .On one of the two server, nxevent is not working!

When I try to use it, in this way:

nxevent -o 3637 -u user -P password 28, i got this error:

nxevent: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN11CSCPMessage13CreateMessageEv

The object 3637 exists and don't have problem. If i try with other object is the same. Event 28 is SYS_NODE_DOWN.

On the other server, with the same version of software, the command works fine.

Can someone solve this?

Thank you !
Another goal I want to realize is the follow:

I have a server that collect info from the network (I use it for archiving and other operation like this): it's a generic home-made server, it isn't netxms.

The server is able to receive a flow of data through udp or tcp stream, then it parse the data.

I want to forward the event from netxms to this server...My question is:

Can i use the action "forward events" for realize comunication between netxms and my server? Is there another way to forward event from netxms to the archive server?

Thank you for the answer!

Hi All!

I have two netxms server: one local and one remote . I have to forward the event from the local server to the remote.
Between the two server, there are several router and firewall. I have to configure the router to permit the traffic between the two server, but for this i need some information:
-What protocol is used in the comunication, udp or tcp?
-What is the source porte used?and the destination?

Also, for my knowledge, how the event are forwarded from one server to another? The local server send a string to the remote server?

Thank you for the info!

Hi All!

I have a little problem with the alarm key associated to alarm creation/generation: the effect of the problem is that the alarm browser don't show all the ("real") alarms actually active.

I try to explain the problem with a little example:

In the alarm Processing policy, for service problems I have the following two rules:
     for "SERVICE_DOWN" event generate an alarm with alarm key "SERVICE_DOWN_%i" and send an email
     for "SERVICE_UP" event resolve the alarm with key "SERVICE_DOWN_%i" and send an email

Suppose than on node X, I have two service with name "A" and "B".

Suppose that on node X the following event happens(in temporally order):
1)Service A goes down -> netxms create an alarm with key SERVICE_DOWN_IDNODEX
2)Service B goes down -> netxms create an alarm with key SERVICE_DOWN_IDNODEX -> The alarm key is equal to the alarm key of alarm 1, so alarm 2 overwrites alarm1!
3)Service B goes up -> netxms resolve alarms with SERVICE_DOWN_IDNODEX

In this case, the service A is down but no alarms is showed on Alarm Viewer!(Netxms do his job correctly)
Mail notification work correctly of course.

I want to fix the situation changing the alarm key generation to:
     SERVICE_DOWN -> create alarm with key "SERVICE_DOWN_%i_%5"
     SERVICE_UP      ->  resolve alarm wth key "SERVICE_DOWN_%i_%3"

The %5 and %3, in alarm creation and alarm resolving respectively, provide the unique id of the dci.

Unfortunately, i have this problem for many events and many rules, and i can't test all of it.

So my question is, can i do the changes at point **) and be sure that alarm generation continue to works correctly?Are there some event for which macros %5 and %3 don't works?
I know that answer can be obvious, but i have to be sure that mail notification continue to works!

There is the hazard that a problem in the creation of alarm key cause problem to alarm creation and mail notification?

Thank You to All!

It's fixed to 6%!

Yesterday Df said that filesystem's used space is 86% while netxms agent report 80%. Today df say 73% and the agent 68%.
Hi guys!

I have a centos server with agent installed (1.2.13) and I use the agent to get the percentage of used space on a specific file system (using parameter FileSystem.UsedPerc()).

If I check the filesystem used space using the command "df" i got a value, while FileSystem.UsedPerc return a different value.

I know that sometimes the output of df is not up to date, but i'd like to know how the agent get the FileSystem.UsedPerc...This filesystem have a huge number of file, so i can't use the command du because it takes about an hour

Is the value returned from netxms agent more updated of the value obtained through "df"?

Thank you for the help!
Hi at all,

i'm using netxms for monitoring the traffic of all interface of an AP. I create the dci by the usual (and very useful) procedure:

1)right click on the interface
2)create data collection item, and then select inbound and outbound(bytes)

As polling interval, i set 10 seconds; the retention is 30 days.

I have created the dci last week, the problem is when i try to export or to see the value in the history, i can't get all history value! I get only the value of about the last ten hours.
Netxms version is the 1.2.14, i tried both with web console and standalone console but no success.
How can i get the full history of this dci? If this data ara not accessible on console,i can found them in some table of the db?

Thank you in advance!
Hi to all!

I'd like to check the status of a disk, used individually or in raid.

I see that there is a agent parameter called PhisycalDisk.SmartStatus but i don't understand how to use it. I see that netxms agent is able to retrieve data only if i pass to the function the 0 argument (PhisycalDisk.SmartStatus(0) ), also in the case in wich the server have 2 or more disk(if i pass 1 or 2 to the function, no value is returned).

Can someone please explain me how can i use this parameter?Thank you!

Another thing i see is that if a check the status of the disk with the netxms agent's parameter on a perfectly working disk, the value returned from the agent is 0; but if i check the status of a raid5 array with 1 disk damaged, the  status returned in anyway 0! Which value means that the disk is damaged?

Thank you!

i have to monitor the network bandwith used by a specified process on Window XP & can i do this?
I have searched on agent's parameter, but it seem there isn't a parameter useful for this task...
May be have i to use wmi?

Thank you!
Solved! Thank you!

I have a debian server with netxms 1.2.11. I have executed the upgrade from 1.2.11 to 1.2.13 and everything go fine. The only problem is the upgrade of the web ui:
when I put the 1.2.13 .war file in the webapps directory of tomcat, nothing happens (i mean, the .war archive isn't unpacked). So i can't access to the server with the 1.2.13 ui.

Anyway, the 1.2.13 server is compatible with 1.2.11 ui, so actually i login with the old web ui.

How can i resolve?

Thank you!