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Messages - SkyRanger

It strange reboot helped:)
I run NETXMS inside Hyper-V and forgot to set for virtual machine dyn memory limit when i set it up. So eventually VM just eats all free server RAM and i forced to stop it.

Now i cant run NETXMS server it says:

Database is locked

I run server packages upgrade

When i try to upgrade database

NetXMS Database Manager Version 3.5.90 Build 3.5-90-g215397d8e7 (UNICODE)

Upgrading database...
Database is locked

When i try to unlock it:

nxdbmgr unlock
NetXMS Database Manager Version 3.5.90 Build 3.5-90-g215397d8e7 (UNICODE)

Database is locked by server 192.168.x.x [ Linux Release 4.19.0-8-amd64]
Do you wish to force database unlock? (Yes/No) Yes

Ind it just stuck and nothing happens, when i kill it after 30 minutes and tru to upgrade DB still locked. Is there a way to unlock it other way?
Версия 3.1 вышла, хотелось бы тоже подробную инструкцию!
Is there a way to show additional info on Node label, like it was in The Dude?

Here example

Can i just add cpu / disk info on node label, so it show always. Also i have some custom attributes and i need to show them on node image too.
General Support / Diasble Node Down events for user PC
October 07, 2019, 01:15:20 AM
I have many user PC in my network and that alright if they come down, for night, for example, but nextxms every time generate events:

3756   Outstanding   Ignored   PC1   0   Critical   Critical   SYS_NODE_DOWN   Node down   1   07.10.2019 09:00:43   07.10.2019 09:00:43   system   system   system   2d2c3d32-49d4-4e76-b6aa-782b30d90f28   NODE_DOWN_0x000001C3   

How suppress it for user PC?
General Support / Disable DCI on Error Value
September 23, 2019, 03:46:39 AM
I have template for windows servers and i create 3 DCI for Free, Used, Total HDD values, and add DCI for C: D: E: drives

Not all my servers have so many HDD, so now i need to disable some of them or just remove from perfomance tab if there no such disk exists on system.

Is there a way to do so?
Я создал таблицу с запросов значений из SNMP из OID .

У меня 4 столбца Index, Name, Units, Size

из OID

Теперь мне нужно чтобы размер указывался в байтах, а лучше в гигабайтах

я пытаюсь сделать трансформацию так:

sub main() {
units = $1->getColumnIndex("Units");
size = $1->getColumnIndex("Size");

for(i = 0; i < $1->rowCount; i++)
   $1->set(i, size, units*size);

Но, видимо, что то делаю не так, не помогает :(

А вообще я бы хотел сделать шаблон, который показывал все харды сервера на закладке Perfomance в  виде графиков или на Дашборде в виде Gauge

Вот результаты запросов

Кстати в результатах Units почему то везде стоит 6 :(

iso. = INTEGER: 1
iso. = INTEGER: 2
iso. = INTEGER: 3
iso. = INTEGER: 4

iso. = STRING: "C:\\ Label:  Serial Number 3c5db92f"
iso. = STRING: "D:\\"
iso. = STRING: "Virtual Memory"
iso. = STRING: "Physical Memory"

iso. = INTEGER: 4096
iso. = INTEGER: 0
iso. = INTEGER: 65536
iso. = INTEGER: 65536

iso. = INTEGER: 13017087
iso. = INTEGER: 0
iso. = INTEGER: 76665
iso. = INTEGER: 65401