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General Support / Event Processing Policy Events
August 07, 2020, 06:18:35 AM
I'm running into the modern problem of getting an alert when there is 15% disk free, but the disk is so large that there is still 80GB free.

In EPP, I don't see an "AND" option for the Events.  That is, the EPP reads "IF event code is one of the following..." then it will run the policy. 

I'd like to have a logic like "If disk is < 15% full, AND diskspace < 8 GB", then run the policy.

Is it there and I don't see it?  Or how would you prevent this policy from running?

Why doesn't NetXMS know the IP addresses of remote computers?  The computers all have the agent installed and connect to the server using a TLS tunnel.

I have email alerts adding "IP address: %a" to the message body.  With these systems I see "UNSPEC".  In the console > object details > overview, "Primary IP address" also shows "UNSPEC".

I also include "%[FQDN]" in the message, which is a 1-line script of "return GetDCIValueByName($node,"System.FQDN");".  I do get an FQDN.  How can I get an address?  Do I have to define it in the client config file?

I am using NetXMS 3.4.

All nodes have all filesystems discovered with instance discovery.  However, I only want and email alert if C:\ free space reaches a threshold.

I thought creating a Filtering Script in the EPP would be the way to do this, but I continue to get alerts for ALL filesystems.

Here is my script:

if (%6 ilike "C:\\") {
return true;
return false;

I've also tried variations like below but they don't work either.

if (%6 ilike "*C:\\*") {
if (%1 ilike "*C:\\*") {

Here is the body of an email alert I receive for D:\, which I thought the above script would filter out.  (I have the alert threshold set to 92 for testing, so the events keep getting triggered.)
FQDN: Jacques-PC.odcvu.local
Message: D:\ disk low (17.853211% remaining)
1 is FileSystem.FreePerc(D:\)
2 is File system: free space on D:\ (%)
3 is 92
4 is 17.853211
5 is 0x00002688
6 is D:\
7 is 0
8 is 17.853211
9 is

On a related topic, the EPP Filtering Script 'Hint' text reads there is a local variable "EVENT_TEXT" you can use.  One, is that the equivalent of %m?  And two, is the correct syntax for that:

if (EVENT_TEXT like "something") {
if ($EVENT_TEXT like "something") {
if (%EVENT_TEXT like "something") {
...or something else?

What is wrong with my script?  What should be changed?  Thanks!
NX-1876 concerns how NetXMS 3.3 and 3.4 continue to add duplicates of nodes when a remotely monitored network happens to have the same address space as the NetXMS network.
Our server currently runs NetXMS 3.4.178.

I opened the ticket on June 11, and as of today, July 29, the ticket hasn't been assigned.

Remote network,, Zone 14
Local network,, Zone 0

NetXMS produces duplicate nodes for systems with NetXMS agents and others -- we have duplicates of printers discovered via SNMP.  They get created both in our zone and the remote zone. 

I have attached screen shots of an example of a duplicate system with the agent, and a duplicate printer.  Notice how the assigned names are different too, with the local, correct hostname, having the domain name included.

I both cases I have noted the 'creation time' of these nodes.  For whatever reason, the incorrect remote node gets created first.

I also highlight that the AgentID, which I *think* is supposed to be unique in NetXMS, is the same on both the correctly created local node and the duplicate remote node.

I really do like NetXMS, but this really is a big problem for us, as we are an MSP and will have remote networks which may have the same 192.168.xx.0/24 address space.  Please look at this problem.  I am happy to provide more information, screen shots, etc.

General Support / Template Import does not work
July 10, 2020, 02:39:40 AM
Server version 3.4.178/Windows

In nxmc I use Tools -> Import Configuration.

I get a success message, "Configuration was successfully imported from file <filename>".  The file is the Printers one another user posted here:

But I can't find it in nxmc, not under Templates or anywhere else.  I restarted the NetXMS server, not knowing if it needed that to refresh.

Nothing in the netxms server log about the template at all.

Where is it?  What am I missing?  Thanks!
General Support / How to hide unwanted objects?
May 25, 2020, 12:49:58 AM
Section 10.1.1 of the manual indicates you can "Hide unmanaged objects"

How?  Or How can I hide any object for that matter?

I can set an object to Unmanaged.  But it still is listed.  I've browsed through the menus, searched the docs, the forums, and Googled, and I still can't find where to actually set a 'Hide' flag.

I want to hide some irrelevant objects.  For example, my PC's Virtualbox IP subnet, only used on my PC, is something I will never ever want status on, and is just noise on the list of objects.
General Support / NetXMS gets the wrong address
May 23, 2020, 03:44:39 AM
Client System is Windows 2008 using agent 3.3.314

It is a remote system, behind a NAT firewall.  The tunnel connects to the server right away, no problem.

But after selecting 'Bind and create node' in the MC, for some reason NetXMS thinks it is on the subnet.  But it is on a subnet.

I have another system there I'm monitoring, and it connected through the tunnel and is being monitored without any problems.

The only thing I can think of is that, on our local lan, the same hostname resolves to a address.  But NetXMS should not be using our local lan for resolving remote addresses.  Also, I did try manually setting the IP address when in 'Bind and connect' but that didn't work.

Because of the wrong IP, after binding, NetXMS can't communicate with the node at all because it has the wrong IP.



Server is NetXMS 3.2.380/Windows, Agent is NetXMS 3.3.314/WIndows.

I work for an MSP (Managed Services Provider), and I'd like to setup NetXMS to monitor all of our clients, and be able to do so through on a single NetXMS server at our site.  We, and all of our clients, have a single external (static) IP address, and internally have private IPs (192.168.x.y) and use NAT.

Zones seem to be the way to do this (section 36.1)

I'm trying to get it working on one client, but am having trouble. Here is what I have done (we have a good, working NetXMS installation at our site already).

1. I created a new Zone (right-click Entire Network -> Create zone).  I noted that zoneUIN=3.
2. I created a new proxy node (right-click Infrastructure Services -> Create -> Node).  Checked "Create as zone proxy" box and selected the appropriate Zone from the drop-down menu.  The agent system is Windows, so I did not config SSH login/password.  Left all else as defaults.
3. I added Port Forwarding rules for port 4700 on our firewall and the client firewall.
4. I installed the NetXMS agent to serve as the proxy agent on one system there, with this nxagentd.conf:

MasterServers = (external ip address of our NetXMS server)
ConfigIncludeDir = C:\NetXMS\Agent\etc\nxagentd.conf.d
LogFile = {syslog}
FileStore = C:\NetXMS\Agent\var
SubAgent = filemgr.nsm
SubAgent = ping.nsm
SubAgent = logwatch.nsm
SubAgent = netsvc.nsm
SubAgent = portcheck.nsm
SubAgent = ssh.nsm
SubAgent = winperf.nsm
SubAgent = wmi.nsm

EnableProxy = yes
ZoneUIN = 3

5. From the NetXMS Console, I right-clicked the Proxy object I created under Infrastructure services, Poll -> Configuration (full).

What was working
The server connected to the agent, and read the default DCI set, and the "Object Details" of the Proxy Node are populated.  Server-Agent communication was happening.  "Software Inventory" and "Hardware Inventory" never worked, as they do for nodes on the local LAN.  (But communication stopped, see next section.)

What isn't working
0. Under the zone, it shows two networks.  One is "" which is a subnet NetXMS made up, based on the single external IP address.  I can just ignore that.
1. The second network is the internal client private network (192.168.x.y/24) which is correct.  However it only has "found" one address (the Proxy Node), but it hasn't found it correctly.  It has "" as the address of the Proxy Node, but that is actually the address of the firewall (or default gateway).  So now the Proxy Node is marked as Unreachable even though it is reachable.
2. Discovery doesn't seem to be happening, probably because of #1.  I started a manual network scan (Configuration -> Network Discovery -> network address=, mask=24, Zone=client zone, Proxy=client proxy, Click 'save' icon -> Scan.  Waited an hour but no new nodes are listed under the network.

How do I configure NetXMS so that it knows the correct, internal address of the agent?  I've read section 39.3 of the manual but there isn't a setting to tell the agent what its IP address is?
How do I get scans working?
On other client systems at the remote site? What do I use for the NetXMS server ip address value?  The proxy node IP address?  Do I have to config the zoneUIN on all the agents? I couldn't find anything about this.  Here is an nxagentd.conf file from the client site.
MasterServers =
ConfigIncludeDir = C:\NetXMS\Agent\etc\nxagentd.conf.d
LogFile = {syslog}
FileStore = C:\NetXMS\Agent\var
SubAgent = filemgr.nsm
SubAgent = ping.nsm
SubAgent = logwatch.nsm
SubAgent = netsvc.nsm
SubAgent = portcheck.nsm
SubAgent = winperf.nsm
SubAgent = wmi.nsm

ZoneUIN = 3

I feel I'm mostly there, but missing a setting or two.  What have I done wrong?

Thank you in advance,
Windows Event Log config on client seems OK, but how to configure it on the server?

On a NetXMS Agent I have:
In nxagentd.conf:
SubAgent = logwatch.nsm

In nxagentd.conf.d\custom.conf I have:
Parser = C:\NetXMS\etc\parser1.xml

In c:\netxms\etc\parser1.xml I have:
   <!-- *SYSTEM means Windows System Event Log -->
   <!-- more <file> tags can follow -->
         <!-- use this for testing, then comment out and uncomment 'disk' below for production -->
   <!-- more <rule> tags can follow -->

Then I generate an event from the command prompt with:
eventcreate /t error /id 7 /l System /d "Test-Ignore" /SO "blueberries"

When I do this, in the nxagentd log I get:
2020.04.16 11:03:13.673 *D* [                   ] PostEvent(): event_code=0, event_name=SYS_NODE_CRITICAL, timestamp=1586995393, num_args=7, arg[0]="Test-Ignore", arg[1]="blueberries", arg[2]="7", arg[3]="1", arg[4]="266817", arg[5]="1", arg[6]="Test-Ignore"

And on the NetXMS server, I get no indication in the GUI that anything happened.  In the server log, I do see:
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [agent.conn.4       ] Received message CMD_TRAP (0) from agent at
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [agent.conn.4       ] AgentConnectionEx::onTrap(): Received trap message from agent at, node ID 187
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [agent.conn.4       ] AgentConnectionEx::onTrap(): trapID is valid
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [agent.conn.4       ] Event from trap: 10
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [event.corr         ] CorrelateEvent: event SYS_NODE_CRITICAL id 56588 source gordon.odcvu.local [187]
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [event.corr         ] CorrelateEvent: finished, rootId=0
2020.04.17 15:29:47.966 *D* [event.proc         ] EVENT SYS_NODE_CRITICAL [10] (ID:56588 F:0x0001 S:4 TAGS:"NodeStatus") FROM gordon.odcvu.local: Node status changed to CRITICAL

I think I have the client configured correctly.  And the server is receiving the CMD_TRAP.  What do I need to do on the server to have it register these and show alarms, and have the node actually get changed to 'CRITICAL'?

Thanks in advance!

System: NetXMS 3.2 on Windows Server

Problem: Can create a new Object Tool (Configuration -> Object Tools -> (new), for RDP but new ones never appear in the context menu of objects (right-click an object, Tools).

Another user posted this same problem in 2018 ( but received no replies this issue.

Video screenshot showing what I am doing and how the new Tools do not appear:

Has this been fixed?  What am I doing wrong?


Here's how I SSL-enabled by NetXMS WebUI, the fast and easy way.  I come from a Linux background so I used stunnel, which is a utility that can SSL-enable any connection quickly and easily.  It is so reliable you forget it is there.  I'm new to the other utility listed here, nssm, but it made creating a new service a piece of cake (yes, I know about sc).

System: NetXMS 3.2 listening on the default port of 8080 on Windows Server 2019

Download two files:
stunnel from
nssm from

Install stunnel using the installer.  It will have you create a new self-signed certificate.  If you want to use a signed one, there is plenty of info out there on how to do that.  If stunnel starts, stop it using the tray icon or kill it.

Edit the stunnel config file (C:\Program Files (x86)\stunnel\config\stunnel.conf) and find the "TLS front-end to a web server" and make it look like this:

; TLS front-end to a web server
accept  = 443
connect = 8080
cert = stunnel.pem

Download and unzip nssm to c:\software\ or another non-user-specific location (e.g. c:\program files\ ).
Open an Administrative command prompt and run nssm like:

"C:\software\nssm-2.24\win64\nssm.exe" install stunnel

Browse to and select the stunnel executable ("c:\Program Files (x86)\stunnel\bin\stunnel.exe"), enter a description of "SSL for NetXMS" and click "Install Service"
Go to Services and start the service.

Browse to your NetXMS server using  (don't forget the nxmc).

Yes, you have to add the /nxmc at the end.

Worked great for me, hope it helps someone else who doesn't want to setup an IIS reverse proxy, etc.  YMMV.
I've seen a few (old) posts of people saying they created a slideshow, but I can't see where to do this?

Do I need to create and script a scheduled task?  Or is there something built in to define a series of dashboards to cycle through, and how long to stay on each?
