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Messages - Victor Kirhenshtein

Na dannij moment k sozaleniju nel'zja. Ja postarajus' ne zabit' i sdelat' takoj mehanizm, poskol'ku ideja horoshaja :)
A kakaja operacionka stoit na problemnih nodah?
U menja k sozaleniju net sejchas pod rukoj NetWare'a dlja testov, poetomu sobral agenta s podderzkoj XML, no ne testiroval. Poprobujte zapustit' vot etu versiju - Teoreticheski dolzno vse zarabotat'.
Pohoze problema ta-ze chto - zdes' opisana -,753.0.html - t.e. reshilas' zamenoj code page'a na 1251?
I'll check it and post updated package.

Best regards,
General Support / Re: db driver about oracle
October 29, 2009, 10:49:55 AM

Try to install Oracle Instant Client and use it for compilation.

Best regards,

You should take binary package for IPSO. Latest available version is 0.2.23 at If you run it as

nxagent-0.2.23-ipso.apkg prefix=/opt/netxms

it should install agent under /opt/netxms. I'll also built 0.2.31 version for IPSO.

Best regards,
Po kakim-to prichinam bilo otkrito mnogo sessij na agent, kotorie ne zakrivalis' po time-out'u. Eto mozet bit' bug v agente. Esche takoe mozet sluchitsja, esli agent ispol'zuetsja kak proxy libo dlja proverki otkritih portov subagentom portcheck.nsm. Esli ispol'zuetsja portcheck ili proxy, to luchshe uvelichit' kolichestvo sessij - znachenie po umolchaniju 32, mozno poprobovat' podnjat' do 100. Esli portcheck ili proxy ne ispol'zujutsja, to pohoze na bug (ili kto-to dejstvitel'no postojanno podkljuchaetsja k agentu, setevoj skaner naprimer). Esli situacija povtoritsja, prishlite pozalujsta rezul'tat komandi netstat -an i konfig agenta.
Dlja NetWare toze est' agent, i on podderzivaet parametri File.Size i File.Count. V novoj versii pojavitsja takze parametr File.Count s viborkoj po razmeru i vremeni modifikacii.
Dobrij den'!

Znachenie peremennoj counter mozno vstavit' v stroku vot tak:

CUSTOM_MESSAGE="Interface Ethernet0/" . counter . " changed state to DOWN";

A sam skript mozno sokratit' do

sub main()
   CUSTOM_MESSAGE = "Interface Ethernet0/" . int32(($2 - 386) / 128) . " changed state to DOWN";
   return 1;

ili, esli trebuetsja proverka chto $2 - eto 386 + chislo, kratnoe 128, i ne previshaet 3458, to:

sub main()
   if (($2 >= 3458) || (($2 - 386) % 128 != 0))
      return 0;
   CUSTOM_MESSAGE = "Interface Ethernet0/" . int32(($2 - 386) / 128) . " changed state to DOWN";
   return 1;
General Support / Re: Unable to restart nxagentd
October 27, 2009, 09:59:16 PM
Yes, version of the agent can be different. So far, any server version in 0.2.x branch can work with any agent version, including very old 0.1.x version agents.

Best regards,

1. It depends on how customized they should be. In current version of management console you can place various information windows (like alarm browser, history graphs, etc.) inside main console window and save layout. You can create as many saved layouts as you wish. We also working on a completely new console application, which is based on Eclipse platform, which will allow you to quickly develop custom plugins.

2. Yes - there are alarm view in console.

3. Both ways are possible - depending on what changes / extensions you need. System was designed to be modular and easily extendable. You can create your own modules for server and agent (subagents). There are client libraries in C and Java - they can be used for integration with other systems or to create your own client applications. However, there are one major problem - there are almost no documentation on API, so you will have to ask questions on forum and read source code (or you can order custom development from us).

Best regards,
Announcements / Re: NetXMS 0.2.30 released
October 22, 2009, 07:25:27 PM
Разобрался с этой проблемой, в ближайшие дни выложу версию 0.2.31, будет инсталлироваться. Если надо срочно, пишите, могу вечером собрать и выложить отдельно инсталлер для x64 агента.
Разобрался с этой проблемой, в ближайшие дни выложу версию 0.2.31, будет инсталлироваться. Если надо срочно, пишите, могу вечером собрать и выложить отдельно инсталлер для x64 агента.
General Support / Re: Centralized agent upgrade feature
October 22, 2009, 07:21:38 PM
Try to remove all files from <install_prefix>/share/netxms/packages

Best regards,