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Messages - Victor Kirhenshtein

General Support / Re: write Eventlog from own Event
November 09, 2009, 06:21:56 PM
It's a bug (or confusing feature) in event viewer. If event is not marked as "write to event log", then it will not be written to database. However, server notifies all connected clients about all events, and if event viewer is open at this moment, then event is displayed. If you close event viewer and open it again, you'll see that all past events without "write to event log" mark disappeared.
In a new console, event viewer will be separated to two different views - real time event monitor, which will show all events as they coming, and event log viewer, which will show events actually logged in database.

Best regards,
Общие вопросы / Re: Хитрый DCI...
November 04, 2009, 10:34:43 PM
Esli schitat' deltu, to pri uvelichenii znachenie budet > 0, a pri umen'shenii - < 0. T.e. dlja otslezivanija postojannogo prirosta ne men'she, chem na 5 v techenii 3 oprosov mozno sdelat' sledujuschee:

1. V transformation postavit' "Simple delta"
2. V thresholde postavit' "last value" >= 5 for 3 polls
General Support / Re: Alarm viewer and some questions
November 04, 2009, 10:31:36 PM

Quote from: DvMourik on November 04, 2009, 01:00:46 PM
We know we use to have a pc with IE6 to get it working but it works.
Also we tried the webinterface and Alarm tab... problem here is that the alarms are not updates realtime... something what is great with Alarm Viewer.

We have some slight problems with it :

- Alarm Viewer need to be reset couple of times a day
- We want to change background so it stays changed (we can change it while started in the folder... but with a restart it's gone)

Both alternate background for Alarm Viewer and automatic refresh of alarm list should be easy to implement. I'll try not to forget and add it to next release.

Quote from: DvMourik on November 04, 2009, 01:00:46 PM
Than i have also a question about Alarm Notifier.. some cool tool which runs in my system tray all the time.
I want to install it at home so i get the alarms there too is that possible... so yeah which ports it uses so i can put it in my ISA server.

All client tools use TCP port 4701 to connect to server.

Best regards,

I still have not solved problems with .apkg installer, so I put agent version 0.2.31 for IPSO as simple archive ( Extract it inside /opt directory and run /opt/netxms/bin/nxagentd as usual. Agent linked statically with all subagents.

Best regards,
Spasibo za log, vrode ponjal gde problema. Postarajus' segodnja peredelat' i vilozu obnovlennuju versiju.
Добавил такую возможность в 0.2.31. Теперь полный формат File.Count и File.Size выглядит так:

File.Count(path, pattern, recursive, size, age)


path        Путь к файлу или каталогу
pattern    Маска для выборки файлов
recursive  Индикатор рекурсии - если выставлен в 1, то агент будет искать файлы в подкаталогах, если 0 - то нет
size         Фильтр по размеру; если 0 - фильтра нет, если < 0 - берутся файлы с размером меньше abs(size) байт, если > 0 - берутся файлы с размером больше size байт
age         Фильтр по возрасту файла;  если 0 - фильтра нет, если < 0 - берутся файлы со временем изменения меньше чем abs(size) секунд назад, если > 0 - берутся файлы со временем изменения больше чем abs(size) секунд назад


File.Count(C:\TEMP, *.dat, 0, 0, 600) - количество файлов с расширением .dat в каталоге C:\TEMP, измененных раньше, чем 10 минут назад, без учета файлов в подкаталогах.
File.Count(C:\TEMP, *.dat, 1, -1000) - количество файлов с расширением .dat и размером меньше 1000 байт в каталоге C:\TEMP и подкаталогах.
Also, it is now possible to specify timeout (in milliseconds) as last argument in all parameters. Timeout given directly in parameter will override default timeout set by Timeout in configuration file.

Best regards,
Announcements / NetXMS 0.2.31 released
November 01, 2009, 09:11:01 PM
Hello all!

NetXMS version 0.2.31 is out. Changes from previous release:

- Added external audit logging via syslog
- Added support for secondary RADIUS server
- Added size and age filters to agent parameters File.Size and File.Count
- PortCheck subagent: connection timeout made configurable
- NXSL: added functions trim(), ltrim(), and rtrim()
- Expat XML parser bundled with NetXMS source package
- Fixed issues: #267, #268, #269, #270, #272, #273, #274

Best regards,
Da, pro data type ja ne podumal. A kakoj tip stojal? Ideja v tom, chto eto unsigned integer schetchik, kotorij dohodit do maksimuma i potom sbrasivaetsja v 0, tak-ze kak eto proishodit s SNMP schetchikami.
Announcements / Re: NetXMS 0.2.30 released
October 31, 2009, 05:43:42 PM
x64 агент доступен здесь:
Poprobujte vkljuchit' trace u parsera, pomenjav pervuju strochku na

<parser trace="4">

i zapustit' agenta v debug rezime

load nxagentd -D

i prislat' log fail.
Nu, pravil'nij parser dolzen vigljadet' tak:

      <match>The CDM driver deactivated device</match>
      <event params = "0">100004</event>

parametrov u eventa ne dolzno bit', poskol'ku v regexp'e ne videljajutsja chasti stroki. Pravda pochemu on tak stranno reagiruet - neponjatno...
Prover'te, ne ostalsja li zagruzennim starij NETXMS.NLM. I kakaja versija NetWare ispol'zuetsja?
CUSTOM_MESSAGE mozno ispol'zovat' tol'ko v scriptah, kotorie vizivajutsja iz event processing policy. V transformation scripte eto ne rabotaet.
Ja nekotoroe vremja nazad proboval stavit' CodePage utf8, vrode vse rabotalo. No eto bila ne poslednjaja versija, 0.2.24 mozet. Poprobuju potestirovat' poslednjuju versiju s utf8.