Deleting Container Does Not Delete Objects Inside It?

Started by Storm-Donovan, March 16, 2022, 04:24:42 PM

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I deleted a container today and expected all of the nodes inside it to be deleted as well.  But I just got a bunch of alarms for nodes that were supposed to be deleted.  So now I have orphan nodes that do not even show up in the node list.  Do I really need to delete the contents of a container before deleting a container?

Dawid Kellerman

As far as I know yes remember a node can be inside many containers.
Example: I have a windows server, it is in the Virtual Server container, but also in a container for a Site/Town. There is another Windows Server only container if I delete it in one place it should  be gone in the rest.
I don't think my answer is the best and I see you are doing a conversion/upgrade from you other post. If you need  to maintain nodes in bulk you should look at the scripting Jump straight to the examples and see if anything there might be helpful