Scheduled tasks

NetXMS provide option to schedule different tasks. Each task have it’s own parameter count and type. The only common parameter is node on which task will be executed. Schedule time can be set in two ways as one time schedule or as a cron task (see Cron format for supported cron format options).

Information about available tasks can be found there:
  1. File Upload

  2. Script Execution

  3. Maintenance

File Upload

Task is named Upload.File. This task uploads server file to agent. Upload file should exist in server file storage. Task can be created in Schedules view or in Upload file… dialog.


  1. File name that should be uploaded

  2. Path and file name where this file should be uploaded on agent

Example: Warning-C.wav,/destination/location/Warning-C.wav

Script Execution

Task is named Execute.Script. This task executes script from library. Selected node is set as $node variable in the script.


  1. Server script name


Tasks are named Maintenance.Enter and Maintenance.Leave. This tasks turn on and turn off maintenance mode for selected node. More about maintenance mode can be found there.

This task does not require parameters.

Access Rights

Access rights for schedules can be separated into two parts. Rights that are required to create, edit, delete tasks at all and rights that are required to schedule exact task type. Task can be created by user or by system.

Overall access rights:

Access right


Manage user scheduled tasks

Option to add, view, edit, delete users’ tasks

Manage own scheduled tasks

Option to add, view, edit, delete tasks created by this user

Manage all scheduled tasks

Option to add, view, edit, delete tasks created by user and system

Task specific access rights:

Schedule type

Required access right

File Upload

Schedule file upload task

Script Execution

Schedule script task


Schedule object maintenance

For some tasks like File.Upload there is also checked if this user has right to upload file to this node and if there is an access to the specific folder. Access rights like this are checked while task execution, not while scheduling. If user does not have access, then task will just fail.