


In many parts of the system, fine tuning can be done by using NetXMS built-in scripting language called NXSL (stands for NetXMS Scripting Language). NXSL was designed specifically to be used as embedded scripting language within NetXMS, and because of this has some specific features and limitations. Most notable is very limited access to data outside script boundaries – for example, from NXSL script you cannot access files on server, nor call external programs, nor even access data of the node object other than script is running for without explicit permission. NXSL is interpreted language – scripts first compiled into internal representation (similar to byte code in Java), which is then executed inside NXSL Virtual Machine. Language syntax and available functions can be found in NXSL documentation.

List of places where NXSL scripting is used

  • Script library

  • DCI transformation scripts

  • DCI instance filter script

  • DCI scripted threshold

  • DCI summary table object filter script

  • Container, template, cluster auto-bind script

  • SNMP trap transformation script

  • EPP filter script

  • EPP inline script actions

  • Map object filter script

  • Map link styling script

  • Dashboard scripted chart

  • Dashboard status indicator

  • Context dashboard auto-bind script

  • Business service scripted check

  • Business service DCI auto apply script

  • Business service object auto apply script

  • Business service prototype instance filter script

  • Asset attribute auto fill script

  • Object query

  • Agent configuration filter script

  • Condition status calculation script

  • Custom housekeeping scripts (see Custom housekeeping scripts)

Scripting library

Script Library is used to store scripts that can be afterwards executed as macros, part of other script or from debug server console. Scripts can be added, deleted and modified in in this view.



Scripts from Script Library can be accessed as:
  1. a macros %[scriptName]

  2. used in action of type “Execute NXSL script”

  3. executed from DCIs with “Script” source

  4. functions can be called from other scripts either by using “import scriptName” and calling functions by name, or without import, by calling “scriptName::functionName

  5. executed from server debug console “execute scriptName

  6. scripts having name starting with “Hook::” are executed automatically, e.g. “Hook::ConfigurationPoll” is being run on each node’s configuration poll


All parameters provided to script are accessible via $ARGS array. The other option to use parameters is to specify main() function in the script and define parameters in it’s definition.

Execute Server Script

This view allows to execute arbitrary script. Script can be manually created just before execution, and afterwards saved, can be taken from the script library, can be used modified script from the script library and afterwards saved or saved as. If this view is opened on a node, then in the script is available $node variable with node object.


All parameters provided to script are accessible via $ARGS array.



NxShell is based on Jython and provide access to NetXMS Java API using interactive shell. NxShell is build as single jar file, which includes all required libraries.

Download: (example:


There are two options of this jar usage:

  1. it can be started as interactive shell;

    java -jar nxshell-1.2.15.jar

  2. it can be started with the script name as a first parameter. Then it will just execute this script and exit. Example:

    java -jar nxshell-1.2.15.jar

When NxShell is started, it tries to get server IP, login and password from Java properties. In interactive mode, user will be asked for details, otherwise default values will be used.

Start as interactive shell, with IP and Login provided (password will be asked):

java -Dnetxms.server= -Dnetxms.login=admin -jar nxshell-1.2.15.jar


These properties should be set with JVM’s “-D” option. Please make sure that all “-D” options are before “-jar”.


Default Value









For details on API please refer to javadoc at

NxShell provide user with already connected and synchronized session to simplify scripting. Most required packages are imported as well to minimize typing.

Global Variables








Alias for “session”

Helper Functions


More examples can be found on a NetXMS wiki.

parentId = objects.GenericObject.SERVICEROOT # Infrastructure Services root
cd = NXCObjectCreationData(objects.GenericObject.OBJECT_CONTAINER, "Sample Container", parentId);
containerId = session.createObject(cd) # createObject return ID of newly created object
print '"Sample Container" created, id=%d' % (containerId, )

flags = NXCObjectCreationData.CF_DISABLE_ICMP | \
        NXCObjectCreationData.CF_DISABLE_NXCP | \
for i in xrange(0, 5):
    name = "Node %d" % (i + 1, )
    cd = NXCObjectCreationData(objects.GenericObject.OBJECT_NODE, name, containerId);
    cd.setPrimaryName("") # Create node without IP address
    nodeId = session.createObject(cd)
    print '"%s" created, id=%d' % (name, nodeId)